Revenind pe Coasta de Est pentru cursurile Universitatii din New York, actrita americanaDakota Fanning (18 ani) a fost surprinsa de paparazzi in zona SoHo in urma cu doua zile. Prinsa de ploaie in timpul iesirii, tanara blondina a preferat sa apeleze la un taxi pentru a ajunge acasa, desi era echipata cu umbrela. In other news, Dakota a declarat recent ca prefera sa stea departe de retele sociale, precizand ca nu intentioneaza sa-si faca vreodata cont pe Facebook sau Twitter. “I just… I really don’t need to let people know where I am and what I’m doing. I feel like a lot of people want their privacy but yet they… tell people where they are. It’s just not for me. I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter and I won’t ever. There’s plenty of impostors out there! There’s enough Dakota Fannings on Twitter for all of us!”, a spus Dakota.
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