Devenind cunoscuta in intreaga lume in urma seriei “Twilight”, tanara actrita americanaAshley Greene (24 de ani) a semnat un contract de publicitate important la sfarsitul anului 2011. Mai exact, vedeta si-a rotunjit consistent veniturile acceptand sa devina noua ambasadoare a companiei Donna Karan, actrita angajandu-se sa promoveze liniile DKNY Jeanssi DKNY. Prima ei campanie pentru brandul american a debutat in preajma Craciunului, Ashleyfiind prezenta la inaugurarea oficiala a panourilor ei publicitare din Times Square, New York.
“I’ve always loved Donna Karan’s creations. To be a part of the brands’ message is incredibly exciting because it feels like such an organic fit. I actually really do love her clothes, and I feel like she’s a very empowered woman. It’s easy to talk about how these clothes work for my lifestyle, whether I’m in NY, LA or traveling for work”, a declarat Ashley. Campania publicitara pentruDKNY Jeans a fost realizata de fotografii olandezi Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin.
“I’ve always loved Donna Karan’s creations. To be a part of the brands’ message is incredibly exciting because it feels like such an organic fit. I actually really do love her clothes, and I feel like she’s a very empowered woman. It’s easy to talk about how these clothes work for my lifestyle, whether I’m in NY, LA or traveling for work”, a declarat Ashley. Campania publicitara pentruDKNY Jeans a fost realizata de fotografii olandezi Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin.
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