Chiar daca nu a putut ajunge la dezvelirea statuii, actor american Taylor Lautner (19 ani) s-a alaturat astazi vedetelor ce au replici de ceara la renumitul muzeu Madame Tussauds din Londra. Pozitionata langa cea a britanicului Robert Pattinson (25 de ani), colegul lui Taylor din seria “Twilight”, statuia tanarului star a fost realizata pe parcursul a patru luni si a costat 150.000 de lire sterline. Replica de ceara poarta un outfit donat de actor, Taylor purtandaceasta tinuta, ce include o geaca din piele AllSaints, in luna august a anului trecut, la cea de-a 13-a editie a galei Teen Choice Awards. More:
28 ianuarie 2012
19 ianuarie 2012
Ashley Greene continua filmarile pentru “Pan Am”
Daca in urma cu doua luni turna primele ei scene pentru serialul “Pan Am”, tanara actrita americana Ashley Greene (24 de ani) a reluat astazi filmarile pentru productia ABC, in care a acceptat sa apara in calitate de invitata speciala. Prezentandu-se la datorie dis-de-dimineata, ambasadoarea Donna Karan a fost surprinsa in actiune de paparazzi alaturi de actorul Michael Mosley (33 de ani) in zona Gramercy Park din New York, cei doi sarutandu-se sub privirile a zeci de curiosi adunati in jurul echipei de filmare. Si desi initial semnase pentru trei episoade, se pare ca Ashley s-a atasat de personajul Amanda Mason, acceptand sa-si prelungeasca contractul cu “Pan Am”. Ashley va reveni pe marile ecrane peste cateva luni, odata cu premiera comediei “LOL”.
12 ianuarie 2012
Dakota Fanning pe coperta Elle si Cosmopolitan

* On normalcy: “I went to a competely normal high school, and my friends are still the core group I met when I was 14 (…)My friends are like «Oh wow, I just forget that you do movies»… But I’m definitely part of that, too. I just want to be an actress. I don’t really do anything attention-grabbing. Famous just sounds so pretentious. Who am I to call myself that word?”
* On her youthful age of 17-years-old: “I feel like I’ve lived a long time, but then I realize I’m actually only 17. I don’t think there should be an age limit on an interest, do you know what I mean?”
* On not letting talk about her physical appearance affect her: “You can’t worry about what other people think, especially if you’re a known person or sometimes you won’t be able to get out of bed (…) I’m not stupid. People are always talking about this person and that person who has an amazing body and this person who looks great and that person who doesn’t. It’s there, if you let it in. And I let it in to an extent. I just don’t let it affect the choices I make”
* On her younger sister Elle: “She is incredibly free-spirited and totally wears her heart on her sleeve, you know exactly what she is thinking by taking one look at her. She’s just incredibly… I don’t know, I wish I could be more like her sometimes”
* On not comparing herself with her sister: “We see ourselves as to completely different entities. I mean, we don’t even look alike”
* On relationships: “I feel like peole, a lot of girls, take things with guys very loosely, and I’m not like that. I mean, my parents have known each other since second grade and they’ve been married 22 years. I don’t need to be courted, but sometimes it’s nice, a little bit of that”
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Sursa + mai multe poze aici!
5 ianuarie 2012
Ashley Greene pentru DKNY Jeans
Devenind cunoscuta in intreaga lume in urma seriei “Twilight”, tanara actrita americanaAshley Greene (24 de ani) a semnat un contract de publicitate important la sfarsitul anului 2011. Mai exact, vedeta si-a rotunjit consistent veniturile acceptand sa devina noua ambasadoare a companiei Donna Karan, actrita angajandu-se sa promoveze liniile DKNY Jeanssi DKNY. Prima ei campanie pentru brandul american a debutat in preajma Craciunului, Ashleyfiind prezenta la inaugurarea oficiala a panourilor ei publicitare din Times Square, New York.
“I’ve always loved Donna Karan’s creations. To be a part of the brands’ message is incredibly exciting because it feels like such an organic fit. I actually really do love her clothes, and I feel like she’s a very empowered woman. It’s easy to talk about how these clothes work for my lifestyle, whether I’m in NY, LA or traveling for work”, a declarat Ashley. Campania publicitara pentruDKNY Jeans a fost realizata de fotografii olandezi Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin.
“I’ve always loved Donna Karan’s creations. To be a part of the brands’ message is incredibly exciting because it feels like such an organic fit. I actually really do love her clothes, and I feel like she’s a very empowered woman. It’s easy to talk about how these clothes work for my lifestyle, whether I’m in NY, LA or traveling for work”, a declarat Ashley. Campania publicitara pentruDKNY Jeans a fost realizata de fotografii olandezi Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin.
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